Certified Diplomas

Certified available

Certified virtual available

We develop feminist diploma programs aimed at individuals interested in their comprehensive and complex training, starting from the integration of bodily awareness for healing, from the perspective of bodies, eroticisms, and sexualities, to the decolonization of subjectivities and the internalized racisms in Ladino, Ladinoized, or mestizo bodies. As well as trauma-sensitive training processes to accompany those who provide support.

The diplomas are certified by Centro Q’anil because we can ensure that having gone through any of these experiential-formative experiences allows for a deep interrogation of places within subjectivity, sexuality linked to personal and collective transformation, and awareness about mourning over internalized patriarchal and racist patterns.

The diploma programs and courses we offer break with the traditional academic framework and integrate experiential with conceptual aspects, which gives meaning to the searches of most participants who engage with Q’anil. At the end of each diploma, final integrated projects based on lived experience are presented.

All the processes we drive are developed continuously, meaning they are reproduced and enriched year after year, which implies permanent logistical, methodological, and pedagogical organization through our Training program. All processes are evaluated with each new generation to obtain learnings from each situated experience. This is the knowledge and experience that is certified, verifying that the journey has involved a true process of personal and collective transformation.

We work especially with supporters, therapists, educators, civil society organizations, social activists, educational institutions, professionals, artists, feminists, individuals of all diversities, and peoples. We promote both in-person and virtual diploma programs and courses, with participants from Guatemala, Central America, Latin America, and other parts of the world.

In the case of the Diploma program held in Quetzaltenango, during 2023 we piloted an experience in partnership with FLACSO, the Quetzaltenango Academic Unit.  

Why our courses are certified?

All of our diploma courses emerged in a pioneering way years ago as a way to offer training focused on the needs of diverse women in current times.

The selected teachers share views and approaches of the new paradigms that we propose to maintain from Q'anil. We are always updating and deepening our approaches and training content, which we improve promotion by promotion by promotion, by successive approaches, taking into account the suggestions and proposals that they make to us in the evaluations we receive each year. For these reasons, in this context, and from these political places, we can affirm that the certification of our graduates guarantees quality and depth in the healing training commitment that we promote.
