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portada FacebookIMG_20210502_152432-WEBPS02Terapia de reencuentro 2019- primer semestre (cierre)-1optimizada-769574991_2533792953351482_1721239252320124928_nIMG_20210502_152824-P01WEBIMG_2194-MM2019-WEB-PHOMujeresMovimienta-Q'anilQ_web_25IMG_20210502_152740-WEBPS03Terapia de reencuentro 2019- primer semestre (cierre)-23Q_web_20pics-amalia-j-12-01Terapia de reencuentro 2019- primer semestre (cierre)-6





The coordination mechanism arose during Q’anil’s first years of operation. As we have matured as a team and integrated the principal of collectivity into our activities, the coordination has also been transformed. The role of coordination requires active listening in order to understand and account for what the collective construction means, so that this kind of organization can contribute towards pathways that allow for the constant search for balance and the vision of complexity, both within the team and in the processes that we carry out.

At present, the coordination is responsible for a significant part of Q’anil’s political relations with other organizations, institutions and/or persons with whom we can engage in exchanges, alliances, coordination or contact to share what we do, feel, think and create as an integral part of the relations of reciprocity we are interested in building.