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Diploma in Racialised Bodies and Sexualities





Employing a multidisciplinary and complex feminist training process situated in Guatemala, we want to reflect, challenge ourselves and understand collectively, the role that bodies and sexualities have played in the reproduction and internalization of racism and the intersections with sexism, coloniality, the ladino and mestizo identities.


The diploma is delivered over five and a half months, through virtual classes and self-managed groups, on Saturday mornings from 9 to 12. Classes are given by teachers every two weeks, twice a month. The self-managed groups are spaces for participants to exchange in small groups and plenary sessions, where they can discuss group concerns, also conducted twice a month. This diploma runs twice a year.

Participants: People of all genders interested in transforming their internalized racism. With a willingness to explore their own possibilities for analyzing themselves and healing the wounds in their bodies and personal histories, especially within the Latin American territory.