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Group Processes in Reencounter Therapy




To promote training-experiential group processes for personal growth working with anyone who considers themselves a social agent and who is open to interweaving their personal actions with their political commitment, to transform the society in which they live, with an attitude of openness and self-awareness.


TR is a methodology that allows the interconnection of healing exercises contributing to a holistic understanding of the human being including spiritual, sexual, erotic, self-knowledge, corporal sensitization, affective bonds, awareness of the necessary deconstruction of social beliefs and cultural patterns that allow the processing grief.

We believe in the need to create spaces for fostering self-awareness and healing which requires dedicating time, resources and a commitment to prioritizing the well-being, Buen Vivir, the Good Treatment for us and thus allow us to form more respectful and equitable relationships.

The face-to-face processes that take place in Guatemala last five and a half months, and are taught on two Saturdays each month, that is, one full day, every fifteen days. In total, eleven days.

The phases of the process are:

• Self-knowledge: to recover the experience of pleasure in the body as a therapeutic and self-help resource. This is focused on listening to one’s own body in order to recognize oneself and at the same time, feel pleasure, and not only discomfort, in the body.
• Affective or loving bonds: to recognize that the bond we establish with our personal space is, in turn, the starting point for establishing affective or loving bonds of all kinds, in our lives.
• Life scripts: the scripts we internalize are cultural patterns that we reproduce in order to be loved. They serve us at certain stages of our lives, but when we become aware of them, they allow us to prepare ourselves for saying goodbye to the kinds of relationships that have hurt us.
• Mourning work: learning to let go and say goodbye and developing the necessary conditions for build life scripts centered around well-being

Participants: any adult who is willing to open up to a process of personal growth for self-knowledge and transformation of consciousness. Requirements: Participants should not be experiencing a moment of crisis, rather it is preferential to be engaged in processing and reflecting on their life history.